
There are, actually, and again depending on need and ability to pay and depending on the length of the marriage, alimony can be looked at different ways. There’s what’s called “bridge the gap” alimony, which is essentially a short term solution which is to provide support to the spouse with the least income. It’s a transitional thing from being married to being singly. That’s where the “bridge the gap” comes in. There’s also a form of alimony called “rehabilitative.” If one spouse is in the process of getting a higher degree or some other form of education, what the other spouse can do is provide support during that period of time to help that spouse get a better job and a higher income. There is also what is called “permanent alimony.” Permanent alimony is typically reserved for cases where a marriage is seventeen years or longer in duration in the eyes of Florida law. And, that essentially creates an alimony obligation for the paying spouse to continue paying alimony for either their life or the life of the spouse receiving alimony.


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