A catastrophic injury is defined as forever preventing a victim from returning to their life prior to the injury. Catastrophic injuries are life-changing in a very literal way. More often than not, catastrophic injuries affect the central nervous system including the brain and/or the spinal cord. As such, catastrophic injuries can be particularly devastating given the critical nature of the central nervous system.

Since catastrophic injuries are permanent, those who suffer from them can often no longer care for themselves or return to work, not only resulting in medical costs but loss of wages as well. This can be particularly devastating if the victim is the sole-provider for his or her family. Additionally, catastrophic injury victims often face extensive treatment and care they require, which takes time away from living and enjoying many moments in life.

This is why it’s so important for any catastrophic injury victim that sustained injuries by another party and/or entity’s negligence, to work closely with an experienced personal injury attorney at Kemp Law Group so victims can recover the compensation they need to care for themselves and their families, without falling into financial ruin, and extreme emotional turmoil.


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